

Plant Uses

food, fragrance, tea, vitamin supplement

Video Presenter

Grant Bulltail & John Mionczynski

Limber Pine

Pinus flexilis

When burned, limber pine releases a sweet smell making the tipi a very pleasant place to dwell. During the Sun Dance, “the Good Tree” was used to make shade arbors where its pleasant smell protects the dancers so that no evil can befall them. According to Grant Bulltail, things that smell good are very important to the Crow. They don’t hunt or use mountain goat for their hides or meat because they find the odor of goat to be so unpleasant. They prize limber pine for its pleasant smell.

The Crow make a tea out of limber pine, which they take “like vitamin pills.” The sap of the tree can be chewed like gum – and with the addition of cottonwood seeds will promote the health of gums and teeth. When its cones are ripe and brown, they can be thrown into a fire causing the cones to open allowing the roasted seeds to be easily removed and eaten.

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