Categories Songs, Traditional Lifeways TribesWestern Shoshone Video PresenterAllen Mike & Melanie Smokey Rain Song Mike Allen & Melanie Smokey sing a Shoshone language Rain Song You may also be interested in:Children’s Encouragement Song Designed to encourage Indigenous children around the globe, the song challenges children to stand tall…Silver Buffaloberry Cooked it is very high in phenolic antioxidants like lycopene for cardiovascular health.Singing Shoshone Songs Shoyo drums and sings during a wide variety of activities – from commemorations at funerals…Cremation Ritual From the cremation ceremony to assisting those who have passed on with their journey to…Indigenous Purification Lodge Steve Weber oversees an indigenous purification lodge east of Casper in the historic North Platte…Black Hawthorn The addition of these berries, flowers, or sometimes leaves to food prevented or at least… Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInWhatsAppTumblrPinterestVkEmail